The Women’s Lung Cancer Forum is a monthly interactive, educational series designed for lung cancer patients, survivors, loved ones, and caregivers about lung cancer. Established by experts in thoracic surgery, oncology, and other medical fields, the Forum expands support services and improves quality of life for patients and survivors of all genders through education, conversation and coordinated action. The group serves as a collaborative network where patients and survivors can connect with clinicians and advocates to ask questions and get informed about various aspects of lung cancer.

The Lung Cancer Forum is held at 6:30-8:00 PM EST on the second Monday of every month via Zoom. You must register to receive the Zoom link.

“I hope you will find the Forum inspiring and that you will share my enthusiasm for the mission, offerings, and communityā€¯

– Yolonda Colson, MD, PhD, Founder of the Lung Cancer Forum